(m) 0478 317 399 Ann@WMHC.com.au

Mental Health Awareness


Based on our knowledge and experience we can develop a bespoke Mental Health Awareness workshop to meet your workplace needs, from one-hour seminars to one-day workshops.

The seminars or workshops can be an overview of a number of mental health conditions, or they can be a more in-depth workshop focusing on a particular area.

Content could include:

  • What is mental health and mental ill health
  • What are the common mental health conditions
  • What are the common indicators for mental health conditions and how might these impact on performance
  • What are employer and employee responsibilities
  • How the workplace can support employees
  • What should an employee do if they are concerned about their mental health or that of a colleague
  • How employees can enhance their mental health

Ann was an excellent presenter/facilitator.  She has the perfect balance of allowing participant discussion and reigning discussion back on point.  She has a calm and approachable manner with a wealth of experience.  

MHFA Government Agency